Reiki Healing Centre in Patiala

Reiki Healing in Patiala

We provide excellent Reiki healing services in our clinic both present as well as remote. In addition, we have arrangements for Reiki distance healing, Reiki emergency (remote) healing, Crystal Healing, Aura Scanning etc. The present healing is given to the subject is present in person. Each session consists of 30 to 35 minutes.  Whereas the remote healing is given to the subject when he or she is not present in person. For this healing time and space has no value, it means that the healing can be sent to any place at any time without considering the distance and the place.

Reiki is a holistic therapy that takes care of all the three levels of physical, mental and emotional. Reiki is Universal Life Force Energy which is all pervasive. Its modern manifestation was made known to us by Mr. Mikao Usui, a Zen Buddhist follower. He propounded that Universal Energy, which is available in abundance, can be channeled by a Reiki attuned person and can further be transferred to a needy one. After Dr. Usui’s ascension Reiki spread throughout the world and its many branches with numerous overtones also mushroomed. But it surprising healing effects has not been blurred despite the modern medical fraternity’s doubts and skepticism.

Recently a new procedure, Reiki massage, has been tried by a few Grand Masters of Reiki. Massage, as we know is a body toning process. Massage is understood as a medical treatment of Chinese origin. Presently massaging is an accredited therapy in its various forms. To become a massage therapist one has to successfully pass the accredited courses or programs to be become a massage licensee. Reiki on the other hand is mostly free of any kind of licensing etc. Some practitioners have started to take good advantage of both the therapies. Reiki now has also been made a part of massaging by a few spas and saloons. The services of Reiki healing are provided in case such a necessity is required. It is also referred to as “Reiki Massage”. Many massage therapy schools has made arrangements for learning Reiki healing techniques to promote physical, mental and emotional well-being.
However, Reiki is a journey which starts with healing but can be taken to astral level of salvation. Massaging is devoid of anything like this. It must be understood that Reiki is supreme and will always remain supreme.

Spiritual Healing has been prevalent almost in all the societies since time immemorial. Spiritual healing is many a step ahead of faith healing. Faith healing is still in vogue amongst the societies which is not considered, so to say, as progressive.

 Even in most progressive societies spiritual healing is a part of the society’s religious beliefs. Confession in Christianity is a process of soul healing. In India spiritual healing attained heights when rest of the world was not enlightened.

 Buddha was an enlightened soul. He brought solace and peace in the disturbed state of affairs of the people and spread his message far and wide. No doubt his following grew dramatically. Even today Buddhists are most peace loving people. Similarly, faith and spiritual healing developed in Hinduism in various forms and off-shoots. Meditation is the most effective method of going thought the spirituality. Lord Jesus performed many miracles during his life time. Many more instances can be quoted to take point further.

Pranic healing is based on the basic principle that body has the inherent ability to heal itself. It utilizes the “Life Energy” to accelerate the inborn ability. Pranic healing was introduced to the world by Grand Master Choa Kok Sui.

He documented and prepared a data base of his research based on his experience of 20 years of healing. In this system the important method is that of scanning. In pranic healing the body is scanned to ascertain the deficiency of “Colored Pran”. It is no touch system and the energy is sent to the area to make it healthy. It is a cleaning technique whereby the accumulated dirt is thrown into the imagined ‘eternal flame’ with the hand moments. It is said that in Reiki there is no method of scanning the body. It is a wrong notion. The learned Reiki healer develops his/her faculties of feel the areas of deficiency to further make it good. In Reiki, to get the wonderful results, attunement or initiation of the person is necessary and further the self-cleaning by practicing of Reiki for a certain period of time, is part of the learning process. In Pranic healing there is no attuning or initiation. One can start the healing right away after the learning course.

“Chakras” is a word from Sanskrit origin meaning a “wheel”. A human body consists of many chakras in total, out of which 7 are the major chakras, The Crown Chakra, The Third Eye Chakra, The Throat Chakra, The Heart Chakra, The Solar Plexis Chakra, The Sacral Chakra and the Root Chakra. In Reiki present Healing as well as Reiki distance healing the process adopted is to activate the functioning of stagnant or the blocked chakras.

A human body consists of seven major chakras which are our energy centers. We receive cosmic energy to keep the chakras vibrant. When the positivity gives way to negativity our chakras become blocked and imbalanced. In Reiki, whether in  Reiki present Healing or Reiki Distance Healing which is also known as Reiki remote healing, the process to balance the chakras following steps are adopted:-
·        Firstly, purify the chakras.  
      Secondly, charge the chakras
·       Thirdly, empower the chakras.
·       Lastly, the chakras are balances.

Lately in Reiki Healing a new system of Aura scanning has been adopted. We call it Digital Aura Scanning. With this facility we are in a position to scan all the chakra to ascertain the various maladies of the chakras. When the human body is scanned we get colored Aura images indicating the status of health. Whereby, it became easier to heal the affected chakra. With this process the human Aura correction has become possible. With this method various Vastu Doshas can also be detected. This procedure is quite prevalent the world over. In India, Aura Scanning facility is not that much popular but we feel pride to announce that the digital Aura Scanning is a part of Reiki Healing Clinic in Patiala and we have the best of arrangements.

There are almost 106 healing techniques. Reiki is the only healing procedure which can heal a person from remote irrespective of the distance. It hardly matters whether the subject is in the next room or at any other place in the world or even beyond. The Reiki distance healing is as good as the present Reiki Healing. Reiki healing centre in Patiala proudly announces that we have best of the facilities to provide Reiki Distance Healing.

Reiki Emergency Healing is a process by which special and emergent adopted to heal a person. At times situations arise when a person requires intense care and healing.
This method is particularly useful in distance emergency healing whereby, the healee is spared of the uncomfortable travelling.

Crystals are silicon dioxide and are available in a wide range of variety.
Crystals are the second abundant mineral in the world. It comes in very attractive and myriad natural color scheme. Crystal has many qualities. It can be programmed to make it powerful to provide us the desired results through it inherit piezoelectric quality. Reiki healing and crystal healing when combined together we get wonderful results. In our Reiki Healing Centre, crystal healing is an important part of our healing process. We have arrangements of world class healing crystals which are available on our online store. These crystals are also available at our Reiki Centre.

As per Hindu metaphysical belief there is a divine energy center which located at the Root chakra or the Muldhara chakra. It is based at the end of our spine. In our Reiki channel, whenever a disciple or a student comes to learn Reiki whether in present or through our Reiki online courses, goes through the process of attunement, his or her kundlini is activated. Through this Kundlini Reiki process, a student becomes aware of his astral powers to take him or her to higher dimension of life.

Karuna Reiki is basically a part of Usui Reiki System. Karuna means compassion.
When any action is taken to heal the suffering with love and compassion with Reiki procedure is Karuna Reiki Healing. Karuan Reiki has developed its own symbols but is performed in the same way as we do the Usui Reiki Healing. Reiki Healing Clinic in Patiala, Karuna Reiki is a part and parcel of our Reiki Healing Process. Reiki Healing Clinic has provision to teach Karuna Reiki in present as well as through our online video courses.

Special arrangements have been made to in part knowledge of Reiki and to attune those who wish to be Reiki students. Classes to teach Reiki
are organized in a congenial environment. The founder Mr. Bheem Sain Arora has the capability and caliber to align with the student’s state of mind and to remove almost all his/her doubts to attaint these classes is experience to be cherished.

A very ancient traditional healing system. The modern dayshamanism has been evolved over the million. Earlier the method of healing was through invocation of spirit and ghosts etc. In modern times this traditional system has attract the attention of the scientific fields and has been popularized throughout western world. Since time immemorial all spiritual practices are rooted in nature. It is a system by which one can strengthen that natural connection. Shamanic Healing allows both body and soul to grow exponentially. 

Attunement or Initiation or Shaktipat is most important part of Reiki learning. It is the technique by way of which the Reiki Grand Master transfers his special powers to his or her disciple. In India metaphysics, it is also known as “Diksha”. In this process the Master is the giver and the seeker is the recipient. After this act of transfer of powers seeker or the student becomes attune or an initiate of Reiki. Hence onward, he or she attains the powers to channelize the Reiki for himself or for others.

When a person is an attuned to Reiki by a Grand Master, his or her learning process starts with self-healing. In this process the initiate or the one who has been attuned to Reiki is made to learn the procedure of how to purify and charge his own Chakras. The balancing of chakras is also a part of learning process. The whole exercise takes 30 to 35 minutes every day. In Reiki, Self-healing enables a person to get rid-off all the negative thought processes and to energize the mental emotional positivity. Thus, providing a new dimension to the overall well-being of a person.

Reiki Healing Clinic has special arrangements to impart Reiki Learning. Special classes of Reiki are held on regular basis for all the levels or degrees of Reiki. Reiki can be learned by attending classes in person or for those who reside in remote areas or those who cannot attend the classes in person; online courses are available which have been prepared in complete detail and elaboration.

Modern therapeutic systems are highly scientific and are based on proper research. On the other hand, Holistic Healing may not be that scientific e.g.
spiritual healing but sometimes the results of Holistic Healing may be far better than the therapeutic system. Reiki is also a holistic way of treatment by which the body, mind and soul are attuned to provide excellent healing.

Reiki is an art of Scientific Healing of the subconscious mind. It deals with all the problems of our physical, mental and emotional levels. It changes the attitude of the life by indulging in processes of concentration, meditation and intuition. Generally 50,000 to 60,000 thoughts come to a mind. These thoughts may be negative and unguarded. With Reiki healing the number of thoughts reduces between 10,000 and 20,000 which not only become positive but are also guarded. This is growth of mind, it is a journey for an unlucky person to become lucky. The person has his channels opened to reach the higher dimension of life. Reiki is a journey which starts with healing but takes us to a destination of enlightenment. It empowers the vital energy force and to expand the Aura to make a person positive.

Reiki symbols were introduced in the healing process to further enhance the healing process. Scientifically any symbol is a graphic to help the subconscious mind to attune itself as a healing tool. Later in the day many other Grand Masters introduce their own symbols to use them as graphic healing tools e.g. Karuna Reiki Symbols.
Numerous symbols were introduces by different Reiki Grand Masters as per their convenience and need. Reiki symbols as such have not special power. They were devised to help the healer to focus his mind and energize the symbol with appropriate intent and purpose.

Seminars on Reiki in Patiala and Healing camps in Patiala are organized in association with Reiki Art of Healing Association. The purpose of these seminars and healing camps is to spread awareness among the people about the ways of life to be healthy. Human nature is that of easy going. Disciplined and organized way of living is cumbersome. Instead of following the natural way, quick and short cut methods have adopted in daily life. In this way, the man is suffering physically, mentally and emotionally.
To follow us on You Tube, you can visit our channel in the name of Bheem Sain Arora and also like our facebook page, namely, Reiki Healing Clinic You can also tweet us at Reiki Art of Healing Also follow us on pinterest at Reiki Art of Healing

Natural health in Patiala

The society of today by and large is 
taking liberties with mother nature. This aspect has played havoc with human life. There is large scale chaos and unrest all-round. To overcome this draw back Reiki may be the ray of hope to make us aware of the short comings of human character. Reiki is a holistic modality which re-vitalizes the human nature. It brings positivity and dispels the negative disposition. Man becomes aware of his short-comings and starts trying to amend his ways to be responsible citizen of the society.


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